Stylament 0.23.2

Block-level Text Content

Definition list

Self-contained figure

Generic block

div {
  /* Don’t style the generic block! */



Preformatted text

Extended quotation


blockquote {
  ---stroke-width: #{svar(stroke-width-4)};
  ---stroke-color: currentcolor;
  ---marker: "“";
  ---marker-size: 2;
  ---marker-outdent: 0.45ch;
  padding-inline: var(---indent);
  border-inline-start: var(---no-stroke, var(---stroke-width)) var(---stroke-color) solid;
  margin-inline-start: var(---no-stroke, calc(-1 * var(---stroke-width)));

  &::before {
    content: var(---marker);
    font-size: calc(var(---marker-size) * 1em);
    // Same line height as content:
    line-height: calc(svar(line-root) / var(---marker-size));
    // Take out of flow but keep static position:
    position: absolute;
    // Outdent:
    margin-inline-start: calc(-0.5 * var(---stroke-width) - var(---marker-outdent) - var(---indent, 0ch) / var(---marker-size));
    // Cover a small piece of the border with background color:
    block-size: calc(0.75em / var(---marker-size));
    background-color: var(---clr-bg);

Custom properties:

  • ---indent {Number}: Customize the indent.
  • ---stroke-width {Number<rem|em>}: Customize the width of the stroke.
  • ---stroke-color {Color} [currentcolor]: Customize the color of the stroke.
  • ---marker {String} [““”]: Customize the marker. Set to "" to remove it.
  • ---marker-size {Number} [2]: Customize the size of the marker.
  • ---marker-outdent {Number} [0.5ch]: Customize the outdent of the marker.
  • ---no-stroke {unset|any} [unset]: Set to anything to remove the stroke.

Thematic break


hr {
  border: none;
  block-size: 0;
  inline-size: 100%;
  outline-style: svar(stroke-style-hr, svar(stroke-style-default, solid));
  outline-width: calc(0.5 * svar(stroke-width-hr, svar(stroke-width-default, 0.125rem)));
  margin-inline: auto;
  color: svar(color-hr);

Make hr line-height neutral, i. e. 0px high, by using outline rather than border.